Updates on Writing and Life

October is two-thirds gone! Time flies when you’re busy… and not stuck in the epic doldrums of the mid-Pandemic. I thought I’d give a few updates about what’s been happening with me this season. I am busier than I thought I would be, and busy in a good way. The Pandemic isn’t entirely over, but […]

January Updates & Signposts

We’ve reached 2020! It doesn’t quite feel like “the future” – but an extension of a semi-permanent present. I’m more and more aware that a year is short – 365 days around the sun, 24 hours each (8,760 hours total) – and therefore fleeting. But “fleeting” doesn’t have to equal harried. I’m leery of setting […]


Confession time. I am not much of a blogger. But I have a blog. It’s not quite a dilemma, just a question that’s been circling my head since the last time I posted, oh, nine months ago. Should I continue with this? The short answer is yes. I’m here. My novel is in querying limbo. […]