joy & moxie

photo of the day: warblers

It’s the first day of autumn. Birds are beginning their southward migration. Their passage usually goes unnoticed unless the birds in question are geese or ducks flying in classic v-formation, honking in camaraderie. Especially in a city, it’s rare to notice something smaller… unless it’s right in front of us. Today, I found two orange-crowned […]

August Reads

Since finishing the novel (sorry – that’s all I seem to talk about these days), I’ve actually been… reading other people’s books! What?! It’s only natural after months in the editing desert. The brain is thirsty. Here’s what I turned to, in no particular order. The Paradise War by Stephen Lawhead Genre: Fantasy. It was […]


Confession time. I am not much of a blogger. But I have a blog. It’s not quite a dilemma, just a question that’s been circling my head since the last time I posted, oh, nine months ago. Should I continue with this? The short answer is yes. I’m here. My novel is in querying limbo. […]

Advent Doings

Until a few weeks ago, my writing life looked like this: I could feel the end coming. I could see it in those tiny numbers: 57, 87, 102 words cut. Weeks earlier it had been in the hundreds; if I was especially diligent, a thousand. When you’re trying to condense a novel down by several […]

Month of Sacrifices

Winterfylleth (winter full moon) is past, Blotmonath (month of blood or blood sacrifices) is here. That’s October and November, if you asked an Anglo-Saxon. I find the Anglo-Saxons’ bluntness to be refreshing, starkly beautiful… and sometimes remarkably appropriate to particular seasons in my life. Blotmonath, referring to ancient religious sacrifice or the pre-winter culling of […]