A Little Update on Writing, Recovery, & Cats

I am back! You may notice that the blog is a little more stream-lined and simplified. As with anything–from this blog to my novels to how I organize my apartment–I’m always seeking ways to make things work and look better. Sometimes that takes a period of reevaluation. And sometimes that period is long for many […]

How To Listen

I rarely take a political stance at Joy & Moxie. I hate how it divides people. It triggers my anxiety to the point where I can’t function. But today, it’s important to speak out. You don’t need me to underline or highlight the fact that protests are still raging over the death of George Floyd, […]

Corona Dispatch 4: A Playlist

Music is medicine. Especially on an overcast and chilly week in May, in the second month of an endless global pandemic. To update you, Nebraska has surpassed 9,000 total cases of COVID-19. This is not as “bad” as New York or other parts of the country, but cases are surging and have not peaked. (The […]

Corona Dispatch 3

I’ve had a few good days since my last update. Sometimes having good days makes me feel a little guilty at a time when so many people are suffering, when there is so much uncertainty in the world. My outlook has to be on what the day holds, to make my own sort of peace […]

Corona Dispatch 2

Easter was a disaster. It began with hail at five a.m. The wind gusted all day. There was hardly any sign of the sun. No promise of an Easter service or dinner with my parents and sister. This is spring in a time of coronavirus, indoors, stir crazy, anxious, trying to find meaningful ways to […]