Christmas in the New Normal
Christmas successfully sprang out at us from around the corner and tackled us to the ground.
Christmas successfully sprang out at us from around the corner and tackled us to the ground.
Remember these words: be kind. Be kind to yourself, be kind to others. We are all feeling the strain of social distancing and self-isolation. Things are not normal, and they won’t be for some time. Kindness is how we survive. Last week, I sat down to write a blog post and couldn’t do it. I […]
My apartment is the perfect writer’s nook. 100 years old. Exactly the right size for one person and a cat. Windows on three sides, natural light. Vintage charm. Excellent landlords. Awesome view of the state capitol. There is only one downside: no balcony or garden space. Almost six years ago, I moved from a house […]
Winterfylleth (winter full moon) is past, Blotmonath (month of blood or blood sacrifices) is here. That’s October and November, if you asked an Anglo-Saxon. I find the Anglo-Saxons’ bluntness to be refreshing, starkly beautiful… and sometimes remarkably appropriate to particular seasons in my life. Blotmonath, referring to ancient religious sacrifice or the pre-winter culling of […]
Last week was exhausting. Nationally and personally, emotionally and literally. My back hurts. My apartment is a mess. My area at work is a lively thoroughfare and a common space, an introvert’s nightmare. We’ve not seen in the sun in three days. Each time I ventured out this weekend I was either caught up in […]