Corona Dispatch 1: Silver Linings

Remember these words: be kind. Be kind to yourself, be kind to others. We are all feeling the strain of social distancing and self-isolation. Things are not normal, and they won’t be for some time. Kindness is how we survive. Last week, I sat down to write a blog post and couldn’t do it. I […]

Living Things

My apartment is the perfect writer’s nook. 100 years old. Exactly the right size for one person and a cat. Windows on three sides, natural light. Vintage charm. Excellent landlords. Awesome view of the state capitol. There is only one downside: no balcony or garden space. Almost six years ago, I moved from a house […]

Month of Sacrifices

Winterfylleth (winter full moon) is past, Blotmonath (month of blood or blood sacrifices) is here. That’s October and November, if you asked an Anglo-Saxon. I find the Anglo-Saxons’ bluntness to be refreshing, starkly beautiful… and sometimes remarkably appropriate to particular seasons in my life. Blotmonath, referring to ancient religious sacrifice or the pre-winter culling of […]


Last week was exhausting. Nationally and personally, emotionally and literally. My back hurts. My apartment is a mess. My area at work is a lively thoroughfare and a common space, an introvert’s nightmare. We’ve not seen in the sun in three days. Each time I ventured out this weekend I was either caught up in […]