A Change of Season

So, we’ve made it full circle again to October: this season of jay conversing tree to tree and turning leaves, and pumpkin-spice everything-under-the-sun. Just check out Trader Joe’s, if you have yet to be persuaded. I have added Pumpkin Spice Rooibus tea and pumpkin ice cream to my personal supply. Could not resist. Also a […]

Making the World Beautiful

It’s already been an incredibly long summer. Long in the sense that I find it difficult to write posts for this blog without feeling mute and powerless. There isn’t a patch on the Earth that isn’t in some kind of turmoil or political upheaval, except for perhaps the penguin nations of Antarctica. This is one of […]

Spring Is Moxie

There is nothing quite like an early spring – one that comes a few weeks ahead of “schedule”, but right on time, as far as we’re concerned. March is mercurial, always wavering on the spectrum between lion and lamb. For the last few years spring in Nebraska has been both of these – warm, cold, […]

Faces of Winter

It is not enough for me to say or hear “I hate winter.” Every year, I face the season with the same dogged goal to appreciate Winter. Not to say it’s easy. I could do without the bone-chilling winds and the dry air, wet socks and flavorless vegetables. And clearing off the car and driving […]


Frost is nature’s graffiti. Jack Frost came in the night and painted on the window panes with his index finger. I imagine him as Peter Pan’s doppelganger cousin. An ageless mischievous boy who makes his art and flicks away into the night, thrives on the bitter cold and eats snow. He might also be responsible for […]