November: Bits & Sundries

Note: I wrote this post on Friday. I thought I’d posted it. Turns out, I should have double-checked. So in today’s post “Rethinking the Medieval”, when I say “if I piqued your interest” this is the post I mean. You live & learn. 🙂 As Halloween approached, the Twittersphere came alive with preparation and excitement […]

Month of Sacrifices

Winterfylleth (winter full moon) is past, Blotmonath (month of blood or blood sacrifices) is here. That’s October and November, if you asked an Anglo-Saxon. I find the Anglo-Saxons’ bluntness to be refreshing, starkly beautiful… and sometimes remarkably appropriate to particular seasons in my life. Blotmonath, referring to ancient religious sacrifice or the pre-winter culling of […]