joy & moxie

a creative life

I Will Take the Little Victories

A few weeks ago, while searching the flowers I’d planted for buds, I heard a little helpless chirp coming from the basement-level 6-7 foot deep window well. I stepped over and around the cosmos seedlings and peered over to find a juvenile robin sitting below on a stick blinking up at me. It didn’t look […]

M*A*S*H: Burning Books is Stupid

When I was writing my post about Moby-Dick, I kept coming back to this little scene from M*A*S*H. This clip was posted to Twitter today by @ClassicMASH. This is Season Three, Episode 21, “Big Mac.” General MacArthur is scheduled to visit the 4077, and while the camp is all a-bustle with the preparations, Hawkeye and […]

Onwards: No More Resolutions, Thank You

I’m writing this on a bitterly cold January morning; temperatures hovering barely above zero and the wind chill factoring to about -15℉. My ten-minute walk to work left me with a wind-burned face and a nasty brain freeze. It is not conducive to a very optimistic mindset of grabbing the new year by its horns […]

Christmas Is A Time Capsule

Christmas is… a time capsule. A puzzle box. Buried treasure. Tradition. Comfort and joy. Orange pomander balls and stockings. Christmas trees and puddings. The season bursting with tantalizing historical questions. Questions about how we celebrate the birth of Christ and the underlying whys, and what they say about us. The ordinary points to the extraordinary. […]