Spring Is Moxie

There is nothing quite like an early spring – one that comes a few weeks ahead of “schedule”, but right on time, as far as we’re concerned. March is mercurial, always wavering on the spectrum between lion and lamb. For the last few years spring in Nebraska has been both of these – warm, cold, […]

Another Name for October

From October 2015, updated October 2016. I love antiquated or forgotten words, and making them un-forgotten. It is kind of like collecting rare coins, only nerdier. So, this is the first full week of October, I got to thinking about the name, and what it was called before Latin names took over. The two seasons […]

Signs of Autumn

Autumn and Spring are the transitions between Summer and Winter, and Winter and Summer. The Earth changes modes, switches sides. After a long winter of heavy clouds and cold and mud we look eagerly to the first glimpses of the crocus and the snow drop, a hint of green beneath the winter-brown of dead lawns, […]