November: Bits & Sundries

Note: I wrote this post on Friday. I thought I’d posted it. Turns out, I should have double-checked. So in today’s post “Rethinking the Medieval”, when I say “if I piqued your interest” this is the post I mean. You live & learn. 🙂 As Halloween approached, the Twittersphere came alive with preparation and excitement […]


This is the time of year when we compare summer and winter, the usual pros and cons, and brace ourselves for the downward plunge into grey skies, shorter days and snow. It usually comes down to a matter of personal preference: heat vs cold, light vs dark, ice cream vs hot tea, mowing the lawn […]

Advent Doings

Until a few weeks ago, my writing life looked like this: I could feel the end coming. I could see it in those tiny numbers: 57, 87, 102 words cut. Weeks earlier it had been in the hundreds; if I was especially diligent, a thousand. When you’re trying to condense a novel down by several […]

Freshening Up

You may have noticed that the blog looks a wee bit different. Consider the change to be pre-spring cleaning and self-motivation. One simply needs to change the décor after a while and see a flush of new color. Or less color. Out with the chaotic red grass and on with the eucalyptus. I don’t want […]

The View From January

The calendar resets and here we are again at January and its blank canvas, its clean horizon. The world breathes a collective sigh of relief as 2016 becomes memory. It was as fast as passing a landmark on the high way: blink and you miss it. We’re in new territory now. This side of the […]