Christmas in the New Normal
Christmas successfully sprang out at us from around the corner and tackled us to the ground.
Christmas successfully sprang out at us from around the corner and tackled us to the ground.
The world has changed since I last posted. At the time, I was gearing up for traveling to Virginia, Maryland, and the Chicago area in June and and July. And I was still (naively) hopeful that I could get back into a writing routine (as is always the case) before an auspicious date in August. […]
October is two-thirds gone! Time flies when you’re busy… and not stuck in the epic doldrums of the mid-Pandemic. I thought I’d give a few updates about what’s been happening with me this season. I am busier than I thought I would be, and busy in a good way. The Pandemic isn’t entirely over, but […]
I am back! You may notice that the blog is a little more stream-lined and simplified. As with anything–from this blog to my novels to how I organize my apartment–I’m always seeking ways to make things work and look better. Sometimes that takes a period of reevaluation. And sometimes that period is long for many […]
We’ve reached 2020! It doesn’t quite feel like “the future” – but an extension of a semi-permanent present. I’m more and more aware that a year is short – 365 days around the sun, 24 hours each (8,760 hours total) – and therefore fleeting. But “fleeting” doesn’t have to equal harried. I’m leery of setting […]