Christmas in the New Normal
Christmas successfully sprang out at us from around the corner and tackled us to the ground.
Christmas successfully sprang out at us from around the corner and tackled us to the ground.
I love marking the tiny epochs within a season. This is especially vivid in the spring when we’re desperately vigilant for signs that winter is in fact going away. In the Midwest, it will begin with the snowdrops and crocuses peaking up from winter-brown lawns or a light snow, the first signs of life and […]
Note: I wrote this post on Friday. I thought I’d posted it. Turns out, I should have double-checked. So in today’s post “Rethinking the Medieval”, when I say “if I piqued your interest” this is the post I mean. You live & learn. 🙂 As Halloween approached, the Twittersphere came alive with preparation and excitement […]
This is the time of year when we compare summer and winter, the usual pros and cons, and brace ourselves for the downward plunge into grey skies, shorter days and snow. It usually comes down to a matter of personal preference: heat vs cold, light vs dark, ice cream vs hot tea, mowing the lawn […]
Until a few weeks ago, my writing life looked like this: I could feel the end coming. I could see it in those tiny numbers: 57, 87, 102 words cut. Weeks earlier it had been in the hundreds; if I was especially diligent, a thousand. When you’re trying to condense a novel down by several […]