Part 2: Butterfly Season, Summer 2022

As luck would have it, I’ve discovered two monarch butterflies since my last post. Monarch butterflies are now an endangered species, and every time I spot one, I ponder the increasingly perilous journey they make in the fall and spring. The ones I’ve encountered are usually traveling solo. This week, the Journal Star reported that […]

Butterfly Season, Summer 2022

A small post for today. It is once again butterfly season. Below are the visitors to my garden and neighborhood that I have been able to capture on camera. I wait patiently for the sight of a Monarch and a painted lady that will sit still long enough for a video. Eastern Tiger Swallowtail One […]

I Will Take the Little Victories

A few weeks ago, while searching the flowers I’d planted for buds, I heard a little helpless chirp coming from the basement-level 6-7 foot deep window well. I stepped over and around the cosmos seedlings and peered over to find a juvenile robin sitting below on a stick blinking up at me. It didn’t look […]

Creative Ideas Begin as Seeds

Nature has a metaphor that perfectly illustrates what it means to live creatively. Friends, I present to you the humble seed: offspring of flowers and pollen, a hard little mote that can survive millennia in a frozen tundra or a hot summer in the back garden, add specks of flavor and texture to your muffin […]

Living Things

My apartment is the perfect writer’s nook. 100 years old. Exactly the right size for one person and a cat. Windows on three sides, natural light. Vintage charm. Excellent landlords. Awesome view of the state capitol. There is only one downside: no balcony or garden space. Almost six years ago, I moved from a house […]