Updates To Hail a Year of Change

Note: I wrote this mid-February and did not publish it till now. I figure it’s better to be done with something than to fight myself to make it spectacularly perfect. A lot has happened in my life since February, but that news deserves its own new post. 😉 In the blink of an eye, Fall […]

Life & Death in the Garden

We are now several weeks into Fall 2022. October has a feel to it: the mornings are cooler, the cicadas are long gone, bats are turning up inside warm, cozy buildings, and the last of the butterflies are making their way through to their winter homes. It is magical and also bittersweet, shades of life […]

Part 2: Butterfly Season, Summer 2022

As luck would have it, I’ve discovered two monarch butterflies since my last post. Monarch butterflies are now an endangered species, and every time I spot one, I ponder the increasingly perilous journey they make in the fall and spring. The ones I’ve encountered are usually traveling solo. This week, the Journal Star reported that […]

Butterfly Season, Summer 2022

A small post for today. It is once again butterfly season. Below are the visitors to my garden and neighborhood that I have been able to capture on camera. I wait patiently for the sight of a Monarch and a painted lady that will sit still long enough for a video. Eastern Tiger Swallowtail One […]

I Will Take the Little Victories

A few weeks ago, while searching the flowers I’d planted for buds, I heard a little helpless chirp coming from the basement-level 6-7 foot deep window well. I stepped over and around the cosmos seedlings and peered over to find a juvenile robin sitting below on a stick blinking up at me. It didn’t look […]