January Updates & Signposts

We’ve reached 2020! It doesn’t quite feel like “the future” – but an extension of a semi-permanent present. I’m more and more aware that a year is short – 365 days around the sun, 24 hours each (8,760 hours total) – and therefore fleeting. But “fleeting” doesn’t have to equal harried. I’m leery of setting […]

Living Things

My apartment is the perfect writer’s nook. 100 years old. Exactly the right size for one person and a cat. Windows on three sides, natural light. Vintage charm. Excellent landlords. Awesome view of the state capitol. There is only one downside: no balcony or garden space. Almost six years ago, I moved from a house […]

The Stories in Our Veins

The original title of this post was “Encounters in Time and Space.” I’ve had experiences that transcend one moment; I’ll go back to my normal life and then, years later, find myself back in the same place of discovery, viewing the original scene from a new angle, with new information, and my mind is blown. […]

November: Bits & Sundries

Note: I wrote this post on Friday. I thought I’d posted it. Turns out, I should have double-checked. So in today’s post “Rethinking the Medieval”, when I say “if I piqued your interest” this is the post I mean. You live & learn. 🙂 As Halloween approached, the Twittersphere came alive with preparation and excitement […]

Rethinking the Medieval

Hey, friends! If I piqued your interest in the debate over the renaming of Anglo-Saxon studies (per last week’s post), the Medieval Workshop site eloquently explains the situation in this post by Mary Rambaran-Olm. Please follow the link! Brief Takeaways: ▫️ There was an agenda behind the term “Anglo-Saxon,” which evolved from myths about one […]