Christmas in the New Normal
Christmas successfully sprang out at us from around the corner and tackled us to the ground.
Christmas successfully sprang out at us from around the corner and tackled us to the ground.
The world has changed since I last posted. At the time, I was gearing up for traveling to Virginia, Maryland, and the Chicago area in June and and July. And I was still (naively) hopeful that I could get back into a writing routine (as is always the case) before an auspicious date in August. […]
I love marking the tiny epochs within a season. This is especially vivid in the spring when we’re desperately vigilant for signs that winter is in fact going away. In the Midwest, it will begin with the snowdrops and crocuses peaking up from winter-brown lawns or a light snow, the first signs of life and […]
Four and a half years ago, I shared an experience on Twitter. Back then, I was still active (or trying to be) on the platform. The thread I created is not a rant, per se, but an attempt to start a bigger conversation about science-fiction. One of many attempts, I might add, to make some […]
I’ve only put pen to paper a few scattered times since the spring. So much has happened. I planned a wedding and got married. Then, we traveled and honeymooned, drove, flew and cruised. Afterwards, Dan and I bought a house in another city, and I moved from the apartment, which was my home for the […]