Glimpsing the Wonder, Joy and Hope In My Coffee Cup

I’ve only put pen to paper a few scattered times since the spring. So much has happened. I planned a wedding and got married. Then, we traveled and honeymooned, drove, flew and cruised. Afterwards, Dan and I bought a house in another city, and I moved from the apartment, which was my home for the […]

Advent Doings

Until a few weeks ago, my writing life looked like this: I could feel the end coming. I could see it in those tiny numbers: 57, 87, 102 words cut. Weeks earlier it had been in the hundreds; if I was especially diligent, a thousand. When you’re trying to condense a novel down by several […]


A poem for you this day. Solmonað is the Anglo-Saxon equivalent of February. It translates to “mud month.” False springs appear in deep winter – a tease of green as the snow falls again. Restless, we count robins – or are they sparrows playing games? We long for buds and blossoms under a Lent-grey sky […]

Faces of Winter

It is not enough for me to say or hear “I hate winter.” Every year, I face the season with the same dogged goal to appreciate Winter. Not to say it’s easy. I could do without the bone-chilling winds and the dry air, wet socks and flavorless vegetables. And clearing off the car and driving […]

Monday Afternoon

There is only one cure for this monotony: Yes, coffee strong enough to balance on the knob of the radiator, while I huddle beside it for warmth. Other afternoons , I’ll venture to fetch myself an Americano, or, if I’m desperate enough, a Coke. Today, I successfully talked myself out of the latter and its sugary carbonation. Right […]