Updates To Hail a Year of Change

Note: I wrote this mid-February and did not publish it till now. I figure it’s better to be done with something than to fight myself to make it spectacularly perfect. A lot has happened in my life since February, but that news deserves its own new post. 😉 In the blink of an eye, Fall […]

Onwards: No More Resolutions, Thank You

I’m writing this on a bitterly cold January morning; temperatures hovering barely above zero and the wind chill factoring to about -15℉. My ten-minute walk to work left me with a wind-burned face and a nasty brain freeze. It is not conducive to a very optimistic mindset of grabbing the new year by its horns […]

January Updates & Signposts

We’ve reached 2020! It doesn’t quite feel like “the future” – but an extension of a semi-permanent present. I’m more and more aware that a year is short – 365 days around the sun, 24 hours each (8,760 hours total) – and therefore fleeting. But “fleeting” doesn’t have to equal harried. I’m leery of setting […]

An Rx for Vitamin M (Moxie)

I am asking myself a number of questions as I ease back into blogging this new, fresh year. Should I blog? Do I have it in me to try again? What am I passionate about? What are my goals? The starting point, at first elusive, was right in front of me. The name of this […]

The View From January

The calendar resets and here we are again at January and its blank canvas, its clean horizon. The world breathes a collective sigh of relief as 2016 becomes memory. It was as fast as passing a landmark on the high way: blink and you miss it. We’re in new territory now. This side of the […]